
Dashcams with AI

Improve Driver Safety with Advanced Artificial Intelligence

AI Dashcam Solutions by Btracking

Driver Safety with AI Dashcams

The AI Revolution in Smart Video Telematics

The results are in. AI Dashcams reduce collisions by 60%. Insurance rates are lowered by up to 25%. Safer driving equals more productivity and lower operating costs. 

Tracking Subscription from $29.95/month.

AI can incorporate both ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance System) that warns drivers of driving hazards, and DMS (Driver Management System) that warns drivers of distracted driving.

Drivers can get immediate audio (and optional visual) alerts. AI can alert drivers of lane departure, following too close, pedestrians about to cross, and approaching a stop sign too fast. Drivers can also be warned for fatigue or distracted driving such as phone use. Drivers can also be automatically ID’d.

And critically, AI warns drivers of potential accidents about to occur and helps the driver to take immediate action.

Fleet Managers have a Safety Dashboard with driver-facing and road-facing video streams (plus optional side and rear views). Risky driving events are all there with video clips ready to download for review. Or, search through the thumbnails and find a clip of interest.

With Driver Scorecard plus video, your managers have the necessary tools to discuss driver performance in an informed manner, acknowledge good habits, and make a real impact in coaching needed improvements.

Features & Benefits

Essential AI Dashcam

Advanced AI Dashcam System

Btracking Dashcam BD2000

Ultimate GPS Tracker/AI Dashcam Integrated via Wifi

Btracking BD2020 Ultimate AI GPS Dashcam

Enterprise AI Dashcam Series - Up to 8 Channel mDVR System Integrated with GPS Tracker for Large Trucks, Buses

Btracking BD9000 AI Dashcam System for Buses, Trucks and Large Vehicles
Btracking BDM7 and BDM10 mDVR Monitor

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