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Driver Safety with AI Dashcams
The AI Revolution in Smart Video Telematics
The results are in. AI Dashcams reduce collisions by 60%. Insurance rates are lowered by up to 25%. Safer driving equals more productivity and lower operating costs.
Tracking Subscription from $29.95/month.
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Drivers get immediate audio (and optional visual) alerts for tailgating, phone use, fatigue and more. AI can alert drivers of pedestrians about to cross, approaching a stop sign too fast, and warn of traveling faster than the speed limit on the sign they’re approaching.
And critically, AI warns drivers of potential accidents about to occur and helps the driver to take immediate action.
Fleet Managers have a Safety Dashboard with driver-facing and road-facing video streams (plus optional side and rear views). Risky driving events are all there with video clips ready to download for review. Or, search through the thumbnails and find a clip of interest.
With Driver Scorecard plus video, your managers have the necessary tools to discuss driver performance in an informed manner, acknowledge good habits, and make a real impact in coaching needed improvements.
Features & Benefits
- Improve Safe Driving Habits
- Instant Auto Downloading of Events
- Live Streaming
- Detects Phone Use, Fatigue, Tailgating
- Real Time In Vehicle Driver Alerts
- Easy Installation
Economical AI Dashcam

- Easy Installation Just plug it into the OBD port (usually located at the base of the dashboard). Or, plug into an auxiliary power port. (note, dashcams cannot obtain OBDII vehicle data; a separate tracker is needed for that purpose, as with our Pro Fleet Integrated System below).
- Ultra Clear HD Your road cam provides beautifully clear HD video. The driver cam is high resolution HD and can be disabled if you prefer.
- In-Vehicle Driver Feedback Audio alerts, and visual alerts with the optional LCD dashboard display to see road warnings such as distance to objects.
- Enhance Safety Add up to 2 additional cameras, and a driver fatigue monitor.
Economical AI Dashcam
Advanced AI Dashcam Systems

(a) Dashcam BD3500.
(b) In-Cab Mini Alert Display.
(c) Rear Facing Camera.
(d) Side Camera.
- Easy Installation Just plug it into the OBD port (usually located at the base of the dashboard). Or, plug into an auxiliary power port. (note, dashcams cannot obtain OBDII vehicle data; a separate tracker is needed for that purpose, as with our Pro Fleet Integrated System below).
- Advanced Features BD3500 and BDS2000 are advanced dash camera with a built-in AI processor to detect driving events such as lane departure, forward collision, and improper driver behavior such as using mobile phones and not wearing seat belts.
- In-Vehicle Driver Feedback AD Plus can alert the driver in real time of dangerous behaviors, and upload events to a monitoring platform to be reviewed by a fleet manager to aid in coaching drivers to reduce traffic risks.
- Enhance Safety Add up to 3 additional cameras and a dashboard driver warning display.
- 2-Way Audio Communication with the BDS2000.
- Always Online With the BDS2000 you can check video anytime regardless of whether ignition is on or off.

(a) Dashcam BDS2000.
(b) In-Cab Mini Alert Display.
(c) Rear Facing Camera.
(d) Side Camera.
Advanced AI Dashcams
Ultimate GPS Tracker/AI Dashcam Integrated via Wifi

- Best Of Both Worlds Advanced BD2020 AI Dashcam integrates seamlessly over WiFi with the telematics gateway GPS tracker
- Up to 4 Channels with Integrated DVR Front, sides, rear and driver facing cams plus in-cab monitor gives you the complete picture
- Complete Vehicle Diagnostics is provided by the GPS tracker. No separate sim needed
- Driving Events are accurately detected by the GPS tracker with photo (and optionally, video) automatically downloaded
- Advanced Driver Safety & Scoreboard The Pro Fleet Platform is your Safety Center. View auto-downloaded video of events, or scroll through thumbnails to locate video of interest. The Scoreboard brings it all together where you can benchmark, compare and coach drivers. Driver Scoreboard is a point based driver measurement matrix that scores drivers performance over a four week rolling average
- In-Vehicle Driver Coaching warns drivers of following too closely, objects on the road, distracted driving. AI offers a comprehensive solution for identifying, managing and coaching risky driving behaviors, ultimately enhancing the overall safety and productivity of your fleet. (Adding AI is optional and it can be disabled anytime)
- Automatic Driver ID Optional Driver ID with RFID cards identifies who's driving
- Stop Unauthorized Use You can also use RFID cards to prevent unauthorized persons from unlocking the doors or starting the vehicle
- Check in Anytime You can check live video anytime. This is great if the vehicles is parked in an undesireable location. The vehicle doesn't need to be running to check in
Ultimate AI Dashcam
Enterprise AI Dashcam Series - Up to 8 Channel mDVR System Integrated with GPS Tracker for Large Trucks, Buses

- Up to 8 Channels Get the FULL picture - supports front, driver, multiple sides, rear, in-cab camera, plus an in-cab display monitor
- Up to 4 TB video storage (1 TB stores approx 1 week of video from 5 cameras)
- Optionally Integrates with GPS Tracker over WiFi to provide Complete Vehicle Diagnostics
- Driving Behavior Events with Auto-Video Download for speeding, harsh braking, turns and acceleration. Picture downloaded if video unavailable
- Optional AI with Driver Assistance recognizes and (optionally) verbally alerts driver for tailgating, swerving, possible pedestrian, driver fatigued, eating, distracted, using phone.
- Advanced Driver Safety & Scoreboard The Pro Fleet Platform is your Safety Center. View auto-downloaded video of events, or scroll through thumbnails to locate video of interest. The Scoreboard brings it all together where you can benchmark, compare and coach drivers. Driver Scoreboard is a point based driver measurement matrix that scores drivers performance over a four week rolling average.
- Automatic Driver ID Optional Driver ID with RFID cards identifies who's driving.
- Stop Unauthorized Use You can also use RFID cards to prevent unauthorized persons from unlocking the doors or starting the vehicle.
- Check in Anytime You can check live video anytime. This is great if the vehicles is parked in an undesireable location. The vehicle doesn't need to be running to check in.

Enterprise AI Dashcam
What Do I See?
- Review Critical Events On the Driver Safety Dashboard

- Check In with Live View Even when ignition is off you can check in on the vehicle's surroundings