Track Trailers, Containers, Machines & Monitor Cargo
Heavy Machinery Tracking
Why Track Machines with GPS?
Machines are costly assets that need to be working to generate ROI. They might sit idle in remote areas where vandalism can happen. With Btracking you’ll know where assets are, when they startup/shutdown, when they move, where they’ve been. Tracking Subscription from $12.95/month.
Learn More
With our intuitive, powerful platform, real time alerts and mobile apps, you can view location, usage, alarms and more. All alongside your vehicles, trailers, equipment, tools and smartphones. Find out more about our heavy machinery tracking solutions below.
Track Moving Machines such as Construction Machines, Road Signs, Generators, Tractors, Farm Machines, Oil Rig Equipment, Airport Ground Equipment.
Keep Tabs on Stationary Equipment including Generators, Pumping Equipment, Liquid Storage Tanks.
Features & Benefits
- Prevent Theft
- Avoid Afterhours Use
- Immediate Alerts if Moved
- Schedule & Track Maintenance
- Increase Machine Utilization
- Visible on Phone or PC
Hybrid Machine Trackers
- Hardwired Hybrid Powered Trackers are great for machines with an accessible power source. It alerts you whenever power is connected/disconnected, perfect for remote machines starting up and moving. With power on, the tracker reports position every few minutes while it recharges the tracker battery. Then, with power off, the machine can sit idle and the tracker will report daily for up to six months.
Hybrid Trackers
Solar & Solar Hybrid Machine Trackers
- Solar Powered Trackers Solar trackers harvest sunlight to recharge its batteries. With only a few hours of sunlight a day, the tracker remains fully charged. Batteries last 10 years or more, so you can keep tabs on assets for years without access to a power source. Solar trackers are ideal for non-powered trailers and equipment, reporting every 15 minutes when moving and every 12 hours when parked.
- Solar is Trending Solar trackers are increasingly favored over battery trackers because continuous solar recharging gives you far more frequent location reporting. Solar trackers can send locations as often as every 5 minutes when moving and 2 hours when parked. And with Btracking this can be customized to your preference anytime over the air.
- Set and Forget Solar & hybrid trackers make heavy machinery tracking easy with batteries lasting up to 10 years, solar powered trackers keep tabs on assets for the long haul.
- Hybrid Solar Powered Trackers Add the functionality of vehicle tracking and additional charging with a hybrid solar tracker.
Solar Trackers
Battery Machine Trackers
- Battery Powered Trackers Our rugged, battery powered trackers can be affixed anywhere on the asset. Batteries last up to five years and are rechargeable or field-replaceable.
Battery Trackers
What's Included?
- One Map, Every Machine Our heavy machinery tracking platform offers real time locations, plus all your vehicles and other mobile items. Where it is, where it's been, how long it's been there.
- Machine Motion, Startup, Shutdown Detection Protect machines & other powered assets with alerts whenever the machine is powered on or begins to move. Get your alerts on the platform, mobile app, email and/or text message.
- Job Time Tracking Track time on spent on jobs and improve equipment utilization.
- Prevent Theft, Stop Unauthorized Use, Recover Stolen Equipment With Btracking you'll know when your equipment moves. When it moves outside authorized hours, there might be a problem. You'll get immediate alerts and be able to see exactly where the item is.
- Geofences are ideal for getting notified and tracking machines that move outside a designated perimeter.
- Easily Track Maintenance Schedules Automatic reminders for maintenance with our maintenace module.
- Reports Keep track of machine on/off, entry/exit from job sites, routs & distance traveled.